A car that makes everyone happy
Club Membership
The Club is open to all owners of Mazda MX5s, Eunos Roadsters and Mazda Miatas. It’s the same car, with different names in different countries. We mainly cater for New Zealanders, however anyone is welcome to join.
Membership Options and Associated Club Fees
You get …
Six informative magazines per year with regional input.
A membership card
A car membership sticker
MX-5 merchandise to buy
Discounts on MX-5 products and services
Monthly regional events eg. runs, dinners, social and technical functions
Access to an extensive technical knowledge base for all MX-5 models
That lovely feeling of belonging to NZ’s friendliest and largest single-marque car club
New members, please use the NEW MEMBER Application Form below.
Existing members, please use the MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Form below.
Membership Subscription Types are as follows, and cover up to two people.
FULL MEMBERSHIP: If you have an MX-5 and are, or want to be active in the club, this is the option for you.
Entitles full participation in all club affairs and activities.
1) The Printed option provides a high-quality, full-colour club magazine posted to your address. This also includes access to the Digital version: $100
2) The Digital-Only option provides an email link to the same high-quality club magazine. Readable online or downloadable as a PDF: $50
ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: If you don’t have, or no longer have an MX-5 but still want a connection to the Club, this is the option for you.
Entitles limited participation in club activities, but no voting rights on club affairs.
1) The Printed option provides a high-quality, full-colour club magazine posted to your address. This also includes access to the Digital version: $100
2) The Digital Only option provides an email link to the same high-quality club magazine. Readable online or downloadable as a PDF: $50
The membership and financial year for the MX5 Club of NZ Inc is from 1st June to the 31st May the following year.
After 1st December of any financial year, half the full yearly membership fee applicable shall apply.
For NEW MEMBER or RENEWAL, please deposit the specified amount into the club bank account, 02-0280-0307057-000.
Please add details to your payment, Name and/or Membership Number and/or Car Rego.
Renewals need just two pieces of information for us to accurately identify your membership.
If anything has changed, like your address, car details or car registration, please let us know via the Renewal and Changes Form, or email at membership@mx5carclub.co.nz
Please note that a red * denotes a required entry.
We would expect that if you attend club events, you’d normally attend the events organised by your selected group. This group will be responsible for sending you any event notices, and correspondence, however other local groups may send you things from time to time. You are welcome to attend the events of other groups.
Note that when you tick a local group, we intend sending your details to the local area coordinator for that group who may contact you.
The fine print
I/We agree that the above information may be included in Membership lists or literature which may be given out, but only to other members who hold an office or on special request, approved by the President, If you do not wish any of your information used, please contact membership@mx5club.co.nz to organise. Please fill in only the details that are relevant or you feel appropriate, and note that ALL details will be kept solely for the purposes of the MX5 Club of New Zealand, and will not be used for any other purpose without the express permission of the above main member (member 1). Please inform the membership coordinator as soon as possible if any of the details above are to change.
Members undertake to abide by the club constitution, indemnity and Health and Safety policy, a copy of which is available from the club web site or upon request. Under the constitution, membership will be on a per MX-5 car basis entitling a maximum membership of two persons per car. The MX5 Club of New Zealand reserves the right to change the membership requirements and fee structure at any time as voted for at the AGM and according to the club constitution.
INDEMNITY In signing this application we release the MX5 Club of NZ inc from any and all liability involving organised Club events, including any written or verbal instructions or statements. We are also declaring we will be responsible for our own actions while participating in any MX5 Club of NZ inc activities. We also confirm that we will ensure that any person that will drive our vehicle holds the appropriate class of Driving Licence. We further declare that we and any other driver of our vehicle will abide by the road rules at all times, and that due care and courtesy will be shown to other road users.
By joining the club and paying subscription you agree on behalf of all members mentioned above, and any other visitor/passenger that may attend any club event to the above.

Code of Conduct / Health and Safety Policy
The MX5 Club of NZ encourages SAFE & COURTEOUS DRIVING
- Drivers must have a valid New Zealand Driver License.
- Vehicles must have appropriate current road registration and Warrant of Fitness.
- Observe the road rules and posted speed limits.
- Act in a courteous manner towards ALL other road users.
- Drive to the prevailing road conditions.
- Never overtake the run leader unless invited to do so.
- Always maintain a safe following and braking distance (2 second rule).
- Only overtake others when it’s safe to do so.
- Always drive at a speed you’re comfortable with.
- If cars are building up behind you, pull over to let them pass.
- If you fall back, there’ll be an opportunity to regroup at the next break (if applicable).
- Careless or dangerous driving will not be tolerated – offenders may be asked to leave the run/club.
- A member who blatantly disregards a reasonable instruction from the run leader or a Club office bearer may, after due process, have their membership terminated.
- The MX5 Club of NZ Inc, its office bearers and representatives hold no responsibility for drivers’ conduct on any organized run.
- All run participants accept full responsibility for their own actions.
The full Constitution can be seen by clicking the PDF image above.
Constitution Of The Mazda MX5 Club Of New Zealand Inc.
The name of the Club shall be MAZDA MX5 CLUB OF NEW ZEALAND (INC).
The objectives and powers of the Club shall be:
- To organise activities for and otherwise promote the enjoyment and understanding of the Mazda MX5 motor car for the benefit of members and the wider community, to provide technical information and organise events to enhance the use and enjoyment of the MX5.
- To subscribe to or affiliate with or co-operate with any other group, whether incorporated or not, whose objectives the Club may deem necessary or convenient to the attainment of any of its objectives.
- To purchase, take upon lease, hire or otherwise acquire and hold real and personal property rights and interest which the Club may deem necessary or convenient to the attainment of any of its objectives.
- To construct, maintain, improve, alter, remove, replace, manage or control any buildings, erections, or amenities and to carry out works of any kind which the Club deems necessary or desirable for the attainment of any or all of the objectives of the Club.
- To sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise dispose of any real and personal property of the Club and to grant such rights and privileges there over in such manner as the Club in General Meeting may deem necessary or proper.
- To invest and control funds of the Club as necessary or advisable for the attainment of the objectives of the Club.
- To promote and hold functions and entertainments of any kind, with or without charge, and whether for the exclusive benefit of the members of the Club or not, and to use any funds derived therefrom for the furtherance of any or all of the objectives of the Club.
- To raise funds by levies, subscriptions and any other means and to accept donations and gifts which shall be used for the attainment of any or all of the objectives of the Club.
- To do all other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives or any of them.
The other sections of the Constitution are:
Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand Life Membership Policy
Pursuant to Clause 6 of the Constitution of the Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand, the following policy shall apply:
Criteria for Nomination
- The nominee must have been a Club member for 7 continuous years and have been an “active” member.
- Active is defined as regularly and consistently involved in Club events at both a local and national level.
- The nominee must have provided exceptional service to the Club for the preceding 5 years at least.
- Exceptional service is defined as adding considerable value to the Club overall and may include (but is not a prerequisite) holding a senior national position and/or Regional Co-ordinator position and performed with distinction.

A member of the NZ Federation of Motoring Clubs Inc.
- Nominations are to be submitted to the National Committee by 31st March immediately preceding the AGM.
- A reminder about nominations shall be issued to all members no later than 28th February.
- The Committee shall review all nominations and select a maximum of two to submit to the AGM for ratification.
- Nominations should be submitted in a timely matter, ie. as close as possible to when the nominee has met the Criteria.
- The total number of Life Members shall not exceed 5% of the total Club membership.
If a nomination is not accepted in any one year, the member needs to be re-nominated again the next year. The nomination will not be automatically carried over. - The names of Life Members shall be listed in TopDown and on the Club’s website with their permission.
- A Plaque shall be made listing the names of Life Members for display at the National Rally and other key events.
- The National Committee has the authority to organise events that recognise Life Members